
Flooid offers tools to support the shift to augment human capabilities and enable scalable learning. We use technologies based on language and artificial intelligence to develop tools customised to your situation. And we use graph technology to describe the relationships between data objects.

Our language technology is called Natural Language Processing (NLP). It enables us to turn texts into a database. And NLP understands the words. This enables a range of applications. Think of for example sensing the sentiment of a brand on Twitter. 

“First we shape our tools, thereafter our tools shape us”,
Father Cullan.

Our graph technology allows relating one data object to another and people to other people. Multiple descriptions of relationships are possible. The technology is extremely effective in giving a holistic view and diving deep into data. Moreover, it allows to find paths from one data object, for example a book to another and all related books and authors, even events related to it.

Both technologies together form the basis of our learning and innovation platform, a meta layer on top of existing applications.

themes we co-create on

Knowledge Graphs
Chat Data Analysis
Organisational Culture Scan
Sense Making
Learning and Innovation Platform


Call or WhatsApp Stefan 
Call or WhatsApp René
Call or WhatsApp Ton

flooid i.o. is based in the Benelux with co-working offices in Antwerp, Eindhoven, Alkmaar